Sabine Bach - who are they?


I’ve learned to survive before I learned to live my life.

Dr. Sabine Bach is coach, speaker, consultant.

I’m offering what I often missed myself: meeting each other on a level playing field, without judgement, and supportive.

I’m drawing from my experience in coaching and consulting, in sports, as well as an executive in the corporate world. I work with modern coaching methods, my experience, and up to date insights and knowledge.

Living change.

Open-minded. Pragmatic.

Photography. Travel. Mountains. Sports.

Runner. Coach. Consultant. Speaker.

I love change. And I feel with everyone who struggles with it.
From there, we will be able to come to amazing results for you.

  • Experience as Managing Director. CEO. CFO. New Business. Innovation. Corporate Account Management. HR.

    Eric Salmon & Partners. Siemens Management Consulting. CTcon.

    Siemens Mobility. Siemens Industry. Siemens Business Services.

  • Germany, France, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, US – life, studies, work.

    Europe, North America, Middle East, China, India – business experience.

    South America, Africa, Central Asia – extensive travel.

  • Certified Running Coach

    Potential-oriented Coach as per Dr. Bock (Mindfuck®) (DBCA)

    Master Business Coach (DBCA)

    WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management – MSc and doctorate degree

Dr. Sabine Bach is a certified Mindfuck®-Coach
  • It’s obvious from the first moment how much experience and know-how Sabine brings to the table – as a business coach, from a corporate perspective as well as her own leadership experience. This makes her an ideal sparring partner in addition to her coaching profession.


  • Sabine has taken the time in the vibe check to get to know me and my topic.


  • Sabine is very likable and approachable in the coaching sessions while acting with professionalism.


  • Sabine is able to open up perspectives that I wasn’t even aware of before.


  • Sabine is an excellent coach.


  • I perceive Sabine as non-judgemental, interested, and open-minded. She doesn’t impose her views or opinions, but lets things develop organically in a shared approach. And when I wanted and asked for feedback, I got it readily–it was never unbidden, though.


  • I wholeheartedly recommend Sabine both as a partner in change management as well as a speaker on change.
