Coaching Strategy

Your coach for ambitious goals


You are looking for something more or less specific – a vision, a goal, a change.

Maybe you got caught up in your brain, in a thought world where your inner critic is holding you back and driving you crazy.

While striving to implement your dreams it seems as if you don’t see the wood for all the trees. A sheer endless number of details seem to catch more attention than you intended to give them.

Your coach for clear visions and strategies

So this is how change works. With powerful and exciting visions, and clear and actionable strategies! Without holding yourself back!!


I bring a dynamic approach to coaching: goal and solution oriented, and geared towards offsetting the perceived ambiguity of change. We will explore new goals and personal visions. We will look at resources and ways of implementation. We will sound out new paths. Find obsolete ways of thinking and work on new ones, thus reinforcing a sense of security and your capacity to act and move forward.

How does this work?

You’ll be able to discover and carry out your new visions with optimism and confidence!

Exploring the New!