
Let’s sit and chat:
On change, visions, and (toxic) behaviour

the blog on change, visions/goals/strategies and (toxic) behaviour

Take 15 minutes, a coffee (or whatever you like), and browse, peruse, and enjoy at leisure.

Thoughts, tipps & tricks, infos on topics around change.

*just FYI: this BLOG is without any claim to being (scientifically) exhaustive

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change, top3toxic, escaping the toxic Sabine Bach change, top3toxic, escaping the toxic Sabine Bach

They didn’t mean that - or did they?

“But they didn’t mean it that” – hands down one of the most frustrating reactions by third parties when you are struggling with what feels very toxic to you. I don’t blame you if you are NOT feeling seen. Because you aren’t. Neither by the person you’re frustrated about nor by the one you are talking to. Let’s have a look.

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