
Let’s sit and chat:
On change, visions, and (toxic) behaviour

the blog on change, visions/goals/strategies and (toxic) behaviour

Take 15 minutes, a coffee (or whatever you like), and browse, peruse, and enjoy at leisure.

Thoughts, tipps & tricks, infos on topics around change.

*just FYI: this BLOG is without any claim to being (scientifically) exhaustive

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change Sabine Bach change Sabine Bach

hAbItS – the tiny tricky beasts (Part 2)

Habits - the beasts that seem to sabotage our lives… They can make life both easy and miserable. Change seams insurmountable? A quick reality check of the average expectations (and promises out there) and what that means for you.

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change Sabine Bach change Sabine Bach

Does competence interfere with change?

Conscious change implies being aware of where you’re at. The “4-stages-of-competence”-model supports by indicating what needs to happen through learning. For an individual, learning and change will likely go hand in hand, while for a team, the implications are less clear-cut, especially when experts become involved.

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change Sabine Bach change Sabine Bach

Belief systems – our internal sign-posts

True or false?: our belief systems act as internalised signposts. And the same as those in real life, some lead us to nowhere, some are glaring warmings, and some point out amazing shortcuts to success. Which is which, and how do we get more of supportive ones?

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books Sabine Bach books Sabine Bach

On the happy runner.

A book that has changed my running world: “The Happy Runner” by David Roche and Megan Roche, MD. On the why of your running, the enthusiasm, the longterm motivation, plus some training principles to round it all off.

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